are you r/l handed? >> stance
left foot fwd
rear leg pointing sideways
hands up by your face
elbows in to the body
-hand out, snap it back
-turn your hip a little
-practice about 3 times
-turn you hip a little
-practice about 3 times
-the most awkward punch in boxing
-bent 90 degrees
-thumb pointing up
-1 > 2 > 1,2 > 12H > 12h2
use the key words without a lot of extra words
youre just giving them a rough idea. they can take privates for more fine tuning
kicks in 3 mins
-rear leg pointing sideways
rear kick
-make a quarter step forward
>>make a quarter step forward with your knees up
>>>same then straighten your leg
ok to land past quarter step
>>>>kick but full circle
-kicking hand goes across face then chops down
-horizontal to thigh height
switch kick
-step back with lead leg
-step forward with rear leg
-adjust the (former) rear leg
-quarter turn, knee up, extend leg, arm motion, etc
12hrearK > 12hrearKh2
switchK2 > 12switchK2 > 12switchK2H2
after 3rd lesson can do other punches, other kicks, knees
on heavybag: knee, push, kick
order of priority for the training session
1. fun
2. good workout
3. learn something about kickboxing
social media needs to be one or a combo of
1. entertaining
2. inspirational
3. educational
order of priority for the training session
1. fun
2. good workout
3. learn something about kickboxing
social media needs to be one or a combo of
1. entertaining
2. inspirational
3. educational
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