Saturday, February 17, 2018

a lot of cool stuff from julian (bob marley) yesterday

# 1 - 6

1. they jab, right hook. >> you straight elbow, then use the same elbow hand to downward scoop, step in and grab the neck (at the same time), pull the neck like a steering wheel, knee them in the gut
-#6 is based off number 1

2. they jab, right hook >> you straight elbow, then

-there are 3 phases:
1. preventing before they can tie up
2. dealing when tied up and pummeling but not full on clinch
3. they have secured the clinch

1. preventing clinch
-when he's reaching you guide arm out of the way
-if he's taller than you push up first and then guide arms out of the way
-it's like a 45 degree pivot
-you don't overextend your arms but you don't keep them super tight to your body either
-your pivot (in place) foot is the one on the side you'll step to, your step out foot rotates to the side you'll end up on
-your loaded for a knee or kick after pivoting out

2. pummelling
-turn like a steering wheel

3. secured clinch
-drop your center of gravity, get your hips close together, put your knee behind one of his, and twist him to trip over it
-epiphany about getting the hips close together, it's not about squeezing his back into you but more about moving your hips close to his
-just right now i'm thinking, if you drop your hips low, then your body can get under his and you can use that to kind of drive him up and unbalanced backward which would also make the bear hug squeezing him into you a lot easier as well as getting your hips closer to him
-don't back up because that make you vulnerable to knees. if you can see your feet, you can get kneed.

is not to slug it out. it is to unbalance (and sweep?) your opponent.
in battlefield times, it was not about slugging it out, it was getting the guy on the ground, being able to stay aware of surroundings, and move on.

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