by erik the saturday guy
leg checks
-he had us warming up doing checks on each side
-your guard stays up, and your knee comes up
-he said you can lower your elbows/guard if you need to for blocking a little bit lower, but don't crunch your body down or your head can get kicked
throwing the right hand
-you should rotate to the point that your shoulder comes up to protect your chin
-you don't shrug your shoulder up
-the proper motion will raise your shoulders into the correct position
throwing the right kick
-the rotation motion is the same as throwing a right cross
-i needed to actually step out to make the correct angle and it felt better
-you lose power if you lean back on the kicks
switch kick
-switch should be short
-something about it can be a long switch but you have to be farther away
-(i'm writing this way after it happened so not remembering it all)
-i think if you switch too long you'll be too close or you'll have to lean back or something
-you don't want to lean back when you kick. he gave reasons but i don't remember.
the drill he had us do
-was throwing right hand, right kick
-left hand, left kick
-i think the point was that it should feel like the same motion
multiple speed kicks
-use your hands to pump so you dont have to use your (legs? body?) as much
-if they pressure their way into you
-you bring the kneeing arm up and then down to your waist
-the reason is not because you need to pull them in. (but u can). it's to protect your face from strikes.
-so if i'm doing a right knee and they're pressuring forward into me: parry with left hand (maybe step back with left foot too) >> bring right hand up and right foot back >> right knee
-he said throwing the knee is the same motion as throwing a kick
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