Sunday, January 28, 2018

some good stuff from kru mark and others

kru mark

guard when tired or hands tired
-keep the elbows and upper arms resting on the front of my body with my guard up
-shrug shoulders
-i think its good and no one would suspect im too tired to keep my hands up

evading a knee to belly
-you twist your torso, maybe pivot too but not sure
-the outside hand reaches down only a little bit to parry it to the side. a cup motion. hand only about to solar plexus high

his long guard
-keeps you safe from all head punches
-he said it's a muay thai thing
-one hand combs the hair, the other kind of extends forward, elbows touch
-he said don't extend it all the way out. just kind of bent and palms forward. alternate sides since it doesn't matter which side they are punching from because it blocks all strikes. and keep coming forward a little bit each time and eventually you can clinch.

some video on you tube about sparring tips

a square muay thai stance
-is easier to kick both sides and block kick from both sides
-basically you keep your legs lined up with his
-to create an angle to kick, you just step laterally in either direction
-this is opposed to a boxing stance which is more "squeezed" together.

another vid about sparring tips. diff from above but make by same guy

-don't back up to avoid attacks. learn to block and immediately counterattack.
-if you move back it will take longer to attack because you have to come back in. also it will be easier for them to see it coming.

bald buff wing chun guy

elbows to block punches
-don't try to elbow his hands
-do put your elbow in front of your face
-the idea is he's aiming for your face, so that's where you put your elbow for protection

checking leg kicks
-toes point up
-keep your guard up because it is common for them to throw a punch at the same time or follow up with one

red shaggy guy

-if someone plums me, get my hands back in and plum them back. once you get control, start throwing a lot of knees

bob marley

some good warm up ideas
-alternating axe elbows
-knee up and out (like checking kick)
-kick in then knee up and out (hip motion for kick and check)


-been pivoting after throwing punches like duke from boxing works taught me and it's working good
-as far as remembering to keep hands up, just make sure they're in my periphery
-gotta remember to turn side to side with punches and kicks

Friday, January 19, 2018

some things from Kru Mark's classes

The 4 Ss (i don't know if there's an order)
1. Speed
2. Strength
4. Skill
then there's some funny thing i don't remember about making a fist and Smile

Defending the teep
-He said we learn techniques using the hands to catch and toss the teep but in actual fighting you just rotate your torso
-Don't put both hands down to block the teep! When I watch myself on video, man, I leave my head open when I do that

Angle elbow to axe elbow
-parry jab, step in with angle elbow, follow up with axe
-the rear hand comes up to guard your forehead so the rear arm is in position to axe elbow

From sparring, dealing with straight punches
-against jab, i've been slipping and throwing overhand rights alot and its good
-against jab, i've also been swatting it down with right and continuing with a right and its good
-but today i swatted down a right cross with my right and threw a jab and it was good