Tuesday, March 3, 2020

this good counter we practiced in cali class a few weeks ago

so you catch a kick with your left hand
>> then you right kick his far thigh
>>>> then you throw his leg across your body to spin him around
>>>>>> then you kick that same leg again except it will be on his hamstring side

tips from that experienced guy

in cali's class there was that asian guy who was very nice but seemed damn professional. he helped me with sparring.

for the sweep against bladed stance
him and that tall skinny mexican guy said it was good but i just need to step in closer

i asked what if i miss a kick and find myself past the body
-he confirmed that following through with a spinning backfist is good
-he also suggested that saenchai thing i've adopted that's like a leg check thing back to fighting stance
-he also said that you can't just stay in that position

-use legs to block lower body attacks
-use arms to block upper body attacks
-he said sometimes the opposite works, but this is the general idea

composure / stance (related to blocking above)
-i asked what to do if they keep faking by bringing their knee up, he said to stay in your stance and do the above (block knees/kicks with leg, block arm attacks with arms)
-you might have to move backward or forward or whatever but just keep your stance and follow the above guidelines
-it's because i would always do some awkward flinch thing where i bring knee and elbow to up standing fetal position to protect my body, which is obviously wrong
-kru mark saw me doing this last sunday and was impressed said it was perfect for muay thai, i'm not doing it like the rest of them anymore