Saturday, November 30, 2019

Saturday, November 23, 2019

kickboxing level 1

punches in 3 mins
are you r/l handed? >> stance
left foot fwd
rear leg pointing sideways
hands up by your face
elbows in to the body

-hand out, snap it back
-turn your hip a little
-practice about 3 times

-turn you hip a little
-practice about 3 times

-the most awkward punch in boxing
-bent 90 degrees
-thumb pointing up

-1 > 2 > 1,2 > 12H > 12h2

use the key words without a lot of extra words
youre just giving them a rough idea. they can take privates for more fine tuning

kicks in 3 mins

-rear leg pointing sideways

rear kick
-make a quarter step forward
>>make a quarter step forward with your knees up
>>>same then straighten your leg
ok to land past quarter step
>>>>kick but full circle
-kicking hand goes across face then chops down
-horizontal to thigh height

switch kick
-step back with lead leg
-step forward with rear leg
-adjust the (former) rear leg
-quarter turn, knee up, extend leg, arm motion, etc

12hrearK > 12hrearKh2
switchK2 > 12switchK2 > 12switchK2H2

after 3rd lesson can do other punches, other kicks, knees

on heavybag: knee, push, kick

order of priority for the training session
1. fun
2. good workout
3. learn something about kickboxing

social media needs to be one or a combo of
1. entertaining
2. inspirational
3. educational

clinch from last thurs

how to underhook

they grab over your arms
-flare arms up

they grab under your arms

side dump

Friday, November 22, 2019

horizontal elbows

from tbc chuy the other day or week

the technique
-non elbow hand is palm on forehead
-a lil hip twist then the shoulder, elbow does the rest. slices open. you just do your elbow to the other side of their face. you don't rotate the whole body.
-turn your palm out, wrist is by armpit
-for rt elbow: hip twist at beginning like throwing a right hand
-for lt elbow: a step up and down on left to get gravity behind elbow

elbow defense
-basically you stuff their elbow at the beginning then clinch their head
-your forearm smashes their forearm in on the same side
-the smashing arm then grabs around for plum clinch
-the other hand on non elbow side does the palm on forehead thing

elbow drill
-tap the hand and that's what